eLichens is introducing the first Natural Gas Detector with an integrated NB-IoT/LTE-M Connectivity from Sequans

avolta natural gas detector with monarch2

eLichens, a leading provider of non-dispersive infrared sensors and detectors, is thrilled to announce the collaboration with Sequans, resulting in the latest evolution of its Avolta NGD (Natural Gas Detector). This new edition of Avolta harnesses the power of NB-IoT/LTE-M technology, specifically utilizing the Sequans’ Monarch-2 platform.

The core mission of Avolta NGD is to drive a significant reduction in emissions, safeguard the future of energy resources, and ensure the safety of both individuals and the environment. Avolta NGD becomes an essential part of the net zero program that is reshaping the global economy and creating a host of new market opportunities for the energy industry.

Based on the patented eLichens optical gas detection technology, the Avolta NGD is an industrial IoT capable of detecting natural gas (methane) leaks with high selectivity and without drift over time. By integrating Sequans Monarch-2 LTE-M/NB-IoT connectivity into Avolta NGD, gas utility service companies can quickly deploy a cost-optimized gas leak detection solution by leveraging existing wireless infrastructure.

“Gas leak detection is crucial because leaks cause serious environmental and economic damage to people, households, and the environment. Accelerating the deployment of natural gas detection across the entire energy value chain is becoming a major goal and an essential part of global efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.”

said Wahid Issa, CEO of eLichens.

“We chose to integrate Sequans' Monarch-2 connectivity because of its low power consumption, high performance, and production readiness. Integrating Sequans Monarch-2 into Avolta enables gas utilities to deploy ubiquitous NGD at an optimized cost of ownership, and ensures compliance with FirstNet certification and standards such as UL1484 and EN50194-1”.

avolta nb-iot/lte-m monarch2

"The combination of Sequans Monarch-2 LTE-M/NB-IoT connectivity and eLichens Avolta NGD, allows several benefits to emerge, such as efficient and scalable deployments without the need for complex infrastructure thanks to LTE-M's extended coverage and low power capabilities”

said Georges Karam, CEO and President of Sequans.

“Monarch-2 GM02S is a LTE Cat M1/NB1/NB2 module based on Sequans' second-generation Monarch 2 chipset platform. It offers significant performance and power consumption benefits, and is based on a mature and field-proven LTE-M/NB-IoT protocol stack. Monarch 2 includes Sequans' RF Single-SKU™ front end and incorporates the Common Criteria EAL5+ secure enclave, enabling secure key storage and embedded SIM (iSIM).”

Avolta NGD is the newest generation of detectors that offers near-infrared spectroscopy to detect methane’s unique signature on the light spectrum, delivering unparalleled accuracy while effectively mitigating the risk of interference from other household chemicals.

It is a battery-operated IOT device with a longevity of 10-year (limited only by the battery budget). Avolta NGD doesn't require any calibration throughout its deployment, making it the perfect solution for both residential and industrial markets in rural and urban areas.

For more information on the Avolta Natural Gas Detector, please visit here.


About eLichens  
eLichens mission is to provide solutions for detecting and monitoring climate issues related to environmental greenhouse gases. eLichens relies on a portfolio of patents and expertise that allow it to develop and market innovative and disruptive smart NDIR sensors and industrial IOT devices. eLichens already supports several markets, including industrial security, gas distribution applications, and outdoor methane leak detection for the residential and oil and gas sectors. eLichens has its headquarters in Grenoble and offices in the USA.

About Sequans   
Sequans Communications S.A. (NYSE: SQNS) is a leading developer and supplier of cellular IoT connectivity solutions, providing chips and modules for 5G/4G massive and broadband IoT. For 5G/4G massive IoT applications, Sequans provides a comprehensive product portfolio based on its flagship Monarch LTE-M/NB-IoT and Calliope Cat 1 chip platforms, featuring industry-leading low power consumption, a large set of integrated functionalities, and global deployment capability. For 5G/4G broadband IoT applications, Sequans offers a product portfolio based on its Cassiopeia Cat 4/Cat 6 4G and high-end Taurus 5G chip platforms, optimized for low-cost residential, enterprise, and industrial applications. Founded in 2003, Sequans is based in Paris, France with additional offices in the United States, United Kingdom, Israel, Hong Kong, Singapore, Finland, Taiwan, South Korea, and China. Visit Sequans online at www.sequans.com (Twitter/Linked-In).

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